Wednesday 30 October 2013


Since both me and Hannah ( love stop motion we decided to have a play with the puppets owned by our course. We had a lot of fun making this short scene and i will definitely be taking the puppets out again as I really want to improve my skills in this area.

I animated the puppet on the left with the blonde hair and Hannah animated the one on the right. Hannah did the voice over too :)
This scene took many many hours to shoot including one hour of animating that we had to scrap as the box the characters were sitting on had gradually moved further and further away from the camera, as when we moved the puppets we were accidentally knocking the box. We learnt from this though and in our second attempt made the box more secure. The camera jolts about somewhat, mostly due to the fact it was on my flimsy tripod that refused to remain still.
The ending where my puppet jumps up onto the box was a bit tricky as it needed to be in positions where it couldn't balance on its own. So I had to prop it up with random objects from my pencil case which I then edited out in Photoshop.
I feel we both became a lot more confident with the puppets as the day went on and although the animation could be a lot smoother I think we did a good job.

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