Wednesday 16 October 2013

Life Drawing, Oh How I've Missed You.......

Below you will find some of the results of the first life drawing class of the year. It has a been fair while since I did any life drawing and so was a little rusty at the start of the session. We got to draw for the whole 3 hours rather than the 1 and a half hours of last year and it was sooooooo much better as we got longer poses, we even had a half hour pose! I think these two first drawings are the best life drawings I've done as they have a sense of weight as ell as being in proportion for the most part. The one on the right also has a good tonal range. 
I've started reading the book 'Force: Dynamic Drawing For Animators' by Mike Mattesi and am hoping to implement the things I'm learning into future life drawing sessions. My drawings lack the life and vitality of the examples in this book and this is something I hope to change. I need to work on getting a strong, single, confident line rather than my current multiple scratchy ones, as well as working out where the force is coming from and going to and darkening my line work accordingly.

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